The first time Israel keeps Shabbat in the desert. [Exodus 16]
The first time Israel keeps Shabbat in the desert. [Exodus 16]
Learn about Sukkot [Feast of Tabernacles] a biblical Holy day. The great 1000 year wedding feast (Revelation 19 & 20)
The consecration of the first-born and the sign of Passover that is on your forehead and your hand. [Exodus 13]
The last two plagues, darkness and killing of the first-born. The Passover Lamb was never meant to be sacrificed in the desert it was to be sacrificed in Egypt. Moshe didn’t know what they were supposed to sacrifice before the last plague. He would have to take ALL of the livestock out to the desert […]
God sends the next two plagues of gnats and flies on Egypt, but not in Goshen. What is the redemptive plan of God? Why do we, as the church, want the Temple in Jerusalem rebuilt? [Exodus 8]
The Abrahamic Covenant and why it is so significant for you today. [Exodus 5]
What is the symbolism or meaning behind the signs given to Moses from I AM at the burning bush? [Exodus 5]
What is the symbolism or meaning behind the signs given to Moses from I AM at the burning bush? [Exodus 3]
Mystery of the 2 loaves revealed on Shavuot.