The 10 Commandments continued with the law of Shabbat, honoring your parents, thou shalt not murder, do not commit adultery, and do not covet. [Exodus 20:8-11]
The 10 Commandments continued with the law of Shabbat, honoring your parents, thou shalt not murder, do not commit adultery, and do not covet. [Exodus 20:8-11]
The beginning of the 10 Commandments that Yeshua summed up with “Love God and Love People”. [Exodus 20:1-8]
The Moses Covenant. [Exodus 19]
Israel arrives at The Mountain.
Jethro a God fearing, zionist, goy brings the sacrifice in the presence of God!
Moses hits the rock in the desert. [Exodus 17]
The first time Israel keeps Shabbat in the desert. [Exodus 16]
Israel crosses the Red Sea (Sea of Reeds) into freedom. [Exodus 14]
The consecration of the first-born and the sign of Passover that is on your forehead and your hand. [Exodus 13]
The last two plagues, darkness and killing of the first-born. The Passover Lamb was never meant to be sacrificed in the desert it was to be sacrificed in Egypt. Moshe didn’t know what they were supposed to sacrifice before the last plague. He would have to take ALL of the livestock out to the desert […]